About Science View

Science View is a non-governmental, no profit organization. The headquarters are established in Athens, Greece but the Association is working, as a network, with respective associations in European Union. Is an active member of the European Union of Science Journalists' Associations (EUSJA - www.eusja.org), which has members in 24 countries around Europe. Furthermore, Science View is collaborating closely with the European Journalists Center (EJC - www.ejc.net) by providing articles and organising training activities in Greece for Science Journalists and Science Communicators.

Its mission is to promote science communication activities between the scientific community and the wider public. Furthermore its scope is to act as a node between the scientists and the media through the cooperation of science journalists. Experts in the media communication are working for the popularisation of science with several methods in order to integrate science in the society.  

The Association is accessible to science journalists, science writers and science communicators.